roaring river family fun

Well I need to be posting more now that I am out of school for the summer. Studying is about to pick up though. Anyways I have had this video made for a couple weeks now. I wanted to do more editing to the video, but just decided to release this video. I ended up bringing in 10 fish on the fly rod this trip. We went out for a cousins family reunion and it was at Roaring River so you know the fishing was on. My wife got a new job and has the weekends off now and that meant she got to go with us and fish as well. My little brother joined us as well, but they didn't have as much luck as me. It was great, because I used a jig that I tied just that morning. I will do a write up when I get more jig heads. I painted the heads a few days before and that morning used some olive marabou, white marabou, and pearl flashabou. They worked wonders that day.

Overall the trip was fun and I can't wait to get out on the river more and more now that my wife has the weekends off. She also wants to start fly fishing so we'll see how that goes once we can get the necessary equipment. I hope you enjoy the video.
