Fly fishing the white river

So I figured I would post some notes about fly fishing the white river here in Northwest Arkansas. The trout were jumping and swarming, but we had nothing that they were interested in. They weren't looking to buy what we were selling. It was only my second time to fly fish and it's definitely a challenge compared to throwing a worm or some power bait on a hook and reeling them in. It takes patience and practice. I was up to the challenge so we went on our way. The tailwater of beaver Dam was cold and it was a Cloudy rainy day. I wasn't able to get pictures due to the rain, but it's okay because I have a couple before. The flies in the picture are black wooly buggers, olive drab wooly buggers, fly jigs tied locally to look like a wooly, and some small white nymphs called "trout crack."  the other picture is the gear I took. The orange lanyard is one I made which I will post how I made the lanyard and the altoids can is a fly box for the lanyard which I will also do a tutorial for in another post. Though not a day filled with fish being caught I would say it was a successful day none the less on the white river.
